Swelling after rhinoplasty is a normal occurrence. How long should it last and when should you be worried about it? Are there ways to reduce the swelling? This article will talk about what a person can expect during the healing process of this cosmetic surgery and when to worry about swelling after rhinoplasty.


Swelling after rhinoplasty

The healing process of this cosmetic surgery will involve pain as well as swelling, especially for the first few days immediately following the surgery. The swelling will usually go away on its own after a few days, but if you want to reduce swelling around the area and make it subside sooner, there are a few home remedies you can try.

Follow the healing process instructions

The instructions that your surgeon will give you are meant to help your nose heal as it should. These instructions will include the medicines you can take for pain, and what you should expect when it comes to pain and how to reduce swelling after rhinoplasty.

Elevate the area

Keeping your head in an elevated position will help improve the circulation of the blood. Most doctors recommend that the person in the recovery process for rhinoplasty sleep and sit down in an elevated position for the first few weeks of the healing process. This will help reduce swelling after rhinoplastyswelling and pain they may feel. Sleeping with a recliner will be a good idea for people who intend to sleep in an elevated position.

Avoid smoking

It is a good idea to avoid smoking, at least for the first few days of the recovery process. If you can, it is best to stop smoking completely so that it does not interfere with the healing process of your cosmetic surgery. Not smoking will also help reduce swelling in the area.

Patience is the key

If you are worried about the swelling during the recovery process of this cosmetic surgery, you can try some of the remedies to reduce swelling or you can simply wait it out. As with other types cosmetic surgery (or any kind of surgical procedure for that matter), the swelling will usually go away on its own. Make sure that you get enough rest and follow the recovery instructions, your nose will heal just fine.


What to expect during the rhinoplasty recovery process

You may expect some level of pain, swelling, and skin discoloration for up to a few weeks following the surgery. Your surgeon will usually advise you of when to expect the pain and swelling to subside. You will also need to wear a nasal splint to support your newly-operated nose for a week into the healing process. As the healing process goes on, you can also expect she shape of your nose to change. The shape of the nose may continue to change as the recovery process continues, but it is important to note that swelling after rhinoplasty should only last for the first weeks.


When to worry

Although swelling is normal for the first few days and even up to the first weeks during rhinoplasty recovery, the recovery process should involve the reduction of swelling as time passes. If it has been more than a few weeks since the surgery, and the swelling does not seem to be going down, or if you notice that the swelling is getting worse during the recovery process, it may be an indication of an infection.

Although the healing process of rhinoplasty will take up to a year, the pain and swelling should not be present for that long. If at any time during rhinoplasty recovery, you notice more bruising and swelling than your surgeon advised you, it is a good idea to consult your doctor about these. It is right to go in and have your nose checked if you feel pain or notice bruising or swelling after a few weeks.

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